About Me

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My name is Samantha, Sammy to many of my family, Sam to my friends. My blog describes the journey I have undertaken so far and the journey I continue to make having been diagnosed with Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 4 in December 2009. With the exception of surgery at point of diagnosis I have been actively monitored under a "watch and wait" approach and achieved 5 years without treatment and monitoring only last December. My prognosis is approximately 10 years but for every year we watched and waited I have felt positive that this would be extending that prognosis. I am very happily married to Roy and celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last October and we have a beautiful 9-year old son Callum. My Step-Daughter, 20-year old Hayley who lived with us is now at University. Our house is awash with my beloved pets, our 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, "Amber" and "Saffy", "Caboodle" the cat and "Elliott" the Rex rabbit. The opinions on this blog are my own and based on my personal experience.

Monday, 5 April 2010

A Mixed Week

It's been a mixed week.

I caught some kind of bug the day after my complimentary therapy, which at the time I thought may have been some form of reaction, but I soon realised it was a plain and simple virus. Fortunately it only lasted a couple of days and before I knew it I was back on my feet with renewed vigour.

Since then we have had the long Easter weekend which has been spent extending the chicken's palatial empire which was completed today, courtesy of my DIY clever husband, inclusive of their very own lawn, in an attempt to retake ownership of a lawn and garden fit for human habitation. It remains 'work in progress' but we have made a great start and the garden has become livable and tidy once more and the lawn will be re-seeded this week. However as I sit here and type I truly am “stiff as a board”.

Our son had a lovely Saturday afternoon with his best pal and we had lunch with the In-Laws today, followed by a short walk in the sun. I do like how a little sunshine warmth accompanied by the lighter evenings can really uplift your spirits.

The week was then topped off by the receipt of my new engagement and eternity rings. My diamonds have been reset and redesigned into 2 new beautiful rings and my hand feels complete once again. A new wedding band has now been commissioned to complete the set. I'm a lucky girl!

My 4-year old Son is now officially richer than me, as family elected to give cash rather than chocolate as Easter gifts. His numerous nursery girl-friends provided the chocolate fix he requires, despite his obvious disappointment that people forget he doesn't do “brown” chocolate – only white is acceptable, of which he didn't get many of his preferred option, but enough to keep him in white chocolate for a few days. Whilst on the other hand, my husband is very content with his role to remove all trace of the "brown" chocolate as quickly as possible. I must admit to having my own eye on the mini-eggs.

This week I face another 6-weekly check-up and was back at Pathology last Thursday for my routine bloods.

Life truly runs a 6-week cycle; I cannot look beyond that, and by week 5, my apprehension makes its devilish reappearance.

For a few weeks my fatigue seemed to ease, but the last 2 weeks it has returned and not a day passes without the 3pm “slump” and the 3am "wake". I feel old beyond my years as I feel drained of the energy expected of a 38 year old.

At my last appointment my potassium levels where low so I'm hopeful that has been remedied by diet, and was quite amused by how my husband and In-Laws tried to, and successfully, persuaded me to allow 2 brussel sprouts to pass my lips today on the basis that they are potassium and iron rich.

I am however something of a little nervous that all may not be as well with my platelet count. It is not just the tiredness again, but my ability to bruise with such ease having returned with avengeance; as can be demonstrated by the 8cm bruise down my left shin courtesy of a mishap with the ensuite toilet, and the mysterious markings that seem to have applied themselves elsewhere. My rash continues to present itself with the upmost pride. In addition my “bleeder” reputation during blood tests failed to disappoint again on Thursday and by the time I was back home my “x marks the blood test spot” dressing was hanging on for dear life as my arm was heavily blood stained. I have never seen anything quite like it and it made me feel a little nauseous.

So here's to Wednesday. May you treat me gently and offer positive news that will allow me a further 6 weeks of perspective normality.

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