About Me

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My name is Samantha, Sammy to many of my family, Sam to my friends. My blog describes the journey I have undertaken so far and the journey I continue to make having been diagnosed with Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 4 in December 2009. With the exception of surgery at point of diagnosis I have been actively monitored under a "watch and wait" approach and achieved 5 years without treatment and monitoring only last December. My prognosis is approximately 10 years but for every year we watched and waited I have felt positive that this would be extending that prognosis. I am very happily married to Roy and celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last October and we have a beautiful 9-year old son Callum. My Step-Daughter, 20-year old Hayley who lived with us is now at University. Our house is awash with my beloved pets, our 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, "Amber" and "Saffy", "Caboodle" the cat and "Elliott" the Rex rabbit. The opinions on this blog are my own and based on my personal experience.

Monday, 29 March 2010

I Can't Stand Feet!

Well today I had the day off and had my first appointment for complimentary therapy at the Hospice.

I was very dubious about going to the Hospice as I had expected to see lots of very poorly people, and the use of the word Hospice sounds so final, but the Turner Centre was a separate building to the rest of the premises, so I was almost segmented and guarded from seeing the reality of what the Hospice stands for.

I did meet a very nice lady who was clearly very unwell and it does remind you of the seriousness of the situation; she had a great sense of humour particularly when a member of staff forgot to put sugar in her tea, as her volunteer driver sat quietly by her side.

I was very impressed with St Michaels, the staff were lovely and the surroundings were very nice and calming.

Off I went to the treatment room for reflexology. I have a natural affliction for feet but I gave it a go, with every muscle tensed I lay down ready to laugh out loud as I am so ticklish but actually it wasn't like that at all. Infact it was very nice indeed.

I now have an aromatherapy sniff stick (!) to help me relax whenever I need it and after the treatment was completed I was escorted back to reception for a nice cup of tea and as long as I needed to drift back to reality before making my next appointment. And that I did as I watched the rain bounce on the ground outside.

St Michaels Hospice do an absolutely fantastic job, of that I have no doubt. Just one visit made me realise just how important the pallative care offerings they provide really are and with only 30% of their funds provided by the Primary Care Trust and the remaining £1.8 million required to continue to run the Hospice per year being raised by charitable donations their achievements are substantial and it's a Charity I would be honoured to support.

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