About Me

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My name is Samantha, Sammy to many of my family, Sam to my friends. My blog describes the journey I have undertaken so far and the journey I continue to make having been diagnosed with Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 4 in December 2009. With the exception of surgery at point of diagnosis I have been actively monitored under a "watch and wait" approach and achieved 5 years without treatment and monitoring only last December. My prognosis is approximately 10 years but for every year we watched and waited I have felt positive that this would be extending that prognosis. I am very happily married to Roy and celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last October and we have a beautiful 9-year old son Callum. My Step-Daughter, 20-year old Hayley who lived with us is now at University. Our house is awash with my beloved pets, our 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, "Amber" and "Saffy", "Caboodle" the cat and "Elliott" the Rex rabbit. The opinions on this blog are my own and based on my personal experience.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Lenny Awakes

Lenny (my attempt at befriending the enemy by giving 'it' an identity) my Lymphoma appeared to progress towards the end of January. The signs where not B systems (night sweats, fever, 10% loss of body weight over 6 months etc) as you would expect and are advised to keep watch for, no, it was the enlarged lymph node in my groin which seemed to be growing. This was almost a replay of 2009 when my Lymphoma was first discovered.

Over the course of February I monitored the area myself but when it started to become uncomfortable (the sensation I can only describe as the aftermath of getting cramp) and shooting pains down my leg I knew that Lenny really was on the move.

My 3-monthly review was scheduled for the last week in February, just 1 week away, but I decided to make the call and after discussing the situation with a very helpful Clinical Nurse Specialist, who then referred it to one of the Consultants, it was agreed that I would go in early. Between then and that appointment I had my usual blood tests performed.

A whirlwind then ensued.

1 comment:

  1. Deus abençoe o Dr. Momoh por seu maravilhoso trabalho em minha vida, eu fui diagnosticado de CANCRO DA MAMA por alguns anos agora, e eu estava tomando meus medicamentos, eu não estava satisfeito que eu precisava tirar o CANCER do meu sistema, eu procurei por Alguma cura possível para CANCER DA MAMA eu vi um comentário sobre o Dr. Momoh, como ele curou CÂNCER DA MAMA com sua medicina herbal, eu entrei em contato com ele e ele me guiou. Eu pedi soluções, ele começou o remédio para a minha saúde, ele me enviou o medicamento através CORREIO SERVIÇOS POST. Eu tomei o remédio como prescrito por ele e com algum período de tempo eu fui curado de CANCRO DA MAMA.
    Dr. Momoh, verdadeiramente você é grande.
    Você precisa da ajuda dele também? Por que você não entrar em contato com ele através de seu e-mail: drmomohherbalcenter@gmail.com seu também pode ligar para o seu número de celular +2347051839672
    1. HIV / AIDS
    3. CÂNCER
    4. SÍFILIS
    5. Hepatite B
    6. ANTHRAX
    8. INFLUENZA VIRUS e.t.c
