About Me

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My name is Samantha, Sammy to many of my family, Sam to my friends. My blog describes the journey I have undertaken so far and the journey I continue to make having been diagnosed with Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Stage 4 in December 2009. With the exception of surgery at point of diagnosis I have been actively monitored under a "watch and wait" approach and achieved 5 years without treatment and monitoring only last December. My prognosis is approximately 10 years but for every year we watched and waited I have felt positive that this would be extending that prognosis. I am very happily married to Roy and celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last October and we have a beautiful 9-year old son Callum. My Step-Daughter, 20-year old Hayley who lived with us is now at University. Our house is awash with my beloved pets, our 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, "Amber" and "Saffy", "Caboodle" the cat and "Elliott" the Rex rabbit. The opinions on this blog are my own and based on my personal experience.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Patient & Carer Conference

I attended the Lymphoma Association & Leukaemia Care Patient & Carer Conference last weekend at the Marriott in Swansea. I felt priviledged to hear from the patient speakers who spoke about their first hand experience of Lymphoma and Leukaemia. It was endearing and very touching; brave people indeed.

I met some lovely people and I hope those touched by cancer continue to fight their disease for years to come.

The presentations from the medical professionals were excellent and I was encouraged to hear of some new treatments for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma first line treatment that are coming down the line and hopefully available from 2013.

I look forward to the next one.

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